Ch 3: Moonlight

A week had gone by and things began to mellow out a bit. Jessie had made a couple of friends in Ash and Eric, but neither were very close. The boys at the school were still more or less curious Continue reading Ch 3: Moonlight
A collection of short stories, reviews, and other odd things
A week had gone by and things began to mellow out a bit. Jessie had made a couple of friends in Ash and Eric, but neither were very close. The boys at the school were still more or less curious Continue reading Ch 3: Moonlight
Jessie was nervous, walking behind everyone else as they chatted and laughed on the path to the locker rooms on the side of the field. His second day of school, and already he had to deal with his worst Continue reading Ch 2: Good Game, Princess
Let’s face it, high school kind of sucks. People who aren’t the typical jock or cheerleader type tend to have a rougher time because they’re considered outcasts of some sort. Strange, abnormal, or odd in some way. For most people, Continue reading Ch 1: Girl’s First Day